Puppicasso is always ready to deal with a Necessary Evil, not in the biblical WWII sense, but in the “I-should-get-back-into-shape” sense.

He is fine with cardio, and has mastered the canine technique of full sprint and stop for smelling — this fatigues the leg muscles and keeps his olfactory muscles in fine form.

But there is one type of exercise he cannot stand: Resistance Training.

Resistance Training is Futile.

Resistance Training is Futile.

He can’t seem to stand on the band with his paw and simultaneously pull with the opposite one  — not having opposable thumbs makes this workout pretty opposable to Pupp.

Puppi doesn’t want to keep up with the latest fitness trends anymore, he will just continue to do old school callisthenics.   His standard regimen is to chase down that darned tennis ball, drop and repeat.  His resolution in 2013 is to do it more often — that is all, thank you very much.

He wants to remind everyone going back to the gym to be sure to stretch and cool down afterwards.


(Today’s post is dedicated to the coach of my first marathon, Scott Boliver — somewhere he is crossing the finish line with my previous running partner, Salvador Doggie.)

Some days Puppicasso feels antsy, bloated, and tied up in knots.

Today is one of those days.  When confronted with this feeling, he does the natural thing —

He compares himself to other dogs.

Now, this technique is contrary to his usual “Zen-may-care” attitude, but Puppi is being very catty today and doesn’t care about taking the high road.

To satisfy his temporal need to feel better at another dog’s expense, he asked me to set up a summit.

I caved in to his wishes.

Puppicasso meets Balloon Dog.

Puppicasso meets Balloon Dog.

"Can you believe this guy?"

“Can you believe this guy?”

"Okay, I don't feel so bad now.  Thanks Mom."

“Okay, I don’t feel so bad now.  Thanks Mom.”

I hope he will fare better this weekend than today, but if not, I will have a fleet of Balloon Dogs at the ready for him.



Technology technically failed me in getting out Puppi’s visual thoughts for the day —

So I went into his portfolio and found some fuzzy, sleepy abstract pieces for your perusal :


Puppicasso's Picasso Study Number One in Dog Minor.

Puppicasso’s Picasso Study Number One in Dog Minor.


Puppicasso's Picasso Study Number Two in Dog Minor.

Puppicasso’s Picasso Study Number Two in Dog Minor.




Puppicasso knows Fiscal Cliff personally.  They have had many play dates over his lifetime.  Puppicass loves to wrestle with him and jump over him periodically.

Now I don’t know if Puppi has ever fallen off of F.C., but being that Cliff is an Irish Setter — the height difference could make it a possibility.

If you think this familiarity with Cliff makes Puppi recession proof, he would slap your paw and say, “No Way!”  Last year, he was very sick and being without insurance this cost Puppicasso’s people dearly.  But he has never let a little thing like money get him down, not when the grass and sunshine are still free.  If you will, please enjoy his first 2013 outdoor photo shoot.

"Ah, Grass!"

“Ah, Grass!”

IMG00540-20130102-1049 IMG00541-20130102-1050 IMG00542-20130102-1050

He misses playing with F. Cliff, but Puppi knows when it is necessary to make new friends.  He’s got great timing that way.

Welcome to the Teens!

Last year was definitely a pre-teen time for Puppicasso and me.  Many new creations, activities, and attitudes were realized — but our offline life got in the way of our blogging life.  And since the world didn’t end, he decided to resume his predictions.  So, the first part of this year will be a cleaning house and catching up on the life of Pupp.

The motto of this year will be, “Always put one paw in front of another, and go forward no matter what.”

One Small Paw for Pupp...

One small paw for Pupp…

... one giant leap for Puppi-kind.

… one giant leap for Puppi-kind.

We wish you a Happy 2013!  Enjoy this Millennium’s entry into puberty — hormones will rage and change will be the constant!

Puppicasso wishes to extend a special shout out to Neil Armstrong for use of his likeness and spirit… he is missed.